Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Nevajay I. - How is it Possible to Conceive Being in Science

Nevajay I. - How is it Possible to Conceive Being in Science

The above link is an interesting essay on an interesting question. While science requires an understanding of Being in order to justify itself and its work, it avoids this question itself and more and more tries to discredit the work done as being irrelevant to the scientific enterprise.

As I am currently working on the inapplicability of the reductionism inherent in the methodologies of the natural sciences to the human being, and the resultant failure of Sociobiology, Evolutionary Psychology, and Neuropsychology to achieve anything close to the sometimes outrageous claims made for these endeavours, the loss of their supposed subject matter by their methodology, and the resulting speculative and inherently biased nature of their 'findings' is of real concern to me in terms of the ease with which it can be misused by 'sciencists' who view science in ideological and religious terms.

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