1 Being-in-the-World
Being-in-the-world is one of the foundational, equiprimordial existentials of Dasein, it is neither based on nor is the basis for the other foundational existentials, which are attunement,language, and understanding. Insofar as Dasein is Dasein is in-the-World. The World is the most immediate (unmediated) thing to Dasein, it is only in view of the World that Dasein can even recognize itself.
1.1 Worldliness
Worldliness is a modification of being-in-the-world such that Dasein 'forgets' its ownness and judges itself purely on its ability to maneuver within the world. Falling prey is an inauthentic modification of worldliness, where Dasein no longer is even aware of its actual abilities to engage with the World, but is only aware of the judgements of the others from whom Dasein does not distinguish itself in any authentic manner.
1.2 Spatiality
Spatiality for Dasein is not the spatiality associated with Euclid nor quantum spatiality, but a spatiality unique to this being, and is based on the notions of directionality, distancing and de-distancing. An example of de-distancing, from which one can glean the meaning of distancing as well, would be the bringing into one's immediate spatiality the Dasein physically located miles away on the other end of a phone connection.
1.2.1 Bodying Forth
1.3 Projection
Equiprimordial with Being-in-the-World is Projection, because Dasein is always projecting its Being on a futural basis. In this sense Dasein is a futural being, it lives its possibilities by actualizing those it chooses.
1.3.1 Anticipation
Anticipation gives Dasein its possibility of choosing among possibilities to actualize, in terms of authentic anticipation or inauthentic avoidance it may freely choose its own possibilities or allow those possibiliities to be chosen by its inauthentic self, but in either case it 'does' choose among its possibilitiies. Ahead-of-Iteslef-ness
1.4 History-Tradition
History and Tradition are not things essentially past and done. They are aspects of Dasein that originated prior to this particular Dasein but linger and remain effectual. Dasein is defined in many ways by a double boundary, in that possibilities have as their limit the inheritance of history and tradition, and the effects of that history and tradition are in their way limited by Dasein's choices among the futural potentials made possible.
2 Attunement
Attunement, or mood, is the primordial manner in which Dasein is always already aware both of its being-in-the-world. It is always already aware of "how it is" as a being, whether it has been made explicit or not.
2.1 Disclosedness
Disclosedness refers to the authentic or inauthentic possibilities for Dasein to make its being-in-the-world transparent to itself through an explicit taking hold of its attunement.
3 Language
Language has long been held as the distinguishing characteristic of Dasein, from the Greek zoon logon echon to the story of Genesis and on down. Reductions of language to symbology, semiotics or communication miss the totality of language in that language is where Being in the strong sense (i.e. including meaning and significance) resides.
3.1 Significance
Significance is the 'taking as' of language. Where language is assumed and then comprehended to convey meaning. While significance is fundamental to language it is also by reduction of language to significance only (and the further split into signfier and signified) that an inappropriate instrumental notion of language is first arrived at and maintained.
3.1.1 Discourse
Discourse is, of course, talking. But it is a talking where the matter at hand is of first importance, and the point of the talk is to share the matter, not to talk 'about' the matter or to pass heard information along. Knowledge is the only issue in discourse, information is irrelevant. Casual Talk
In Casual or Idle talk the apparent subject matter is of secondary importance, idle talk generally works by speaking 'about' the matters rather than grappling with the matter, passing along information and 'heard gossip', and avoiding the focus required to actually grasp the matter. The importance of Casual talk lies not in the sharing of the matter but the sharing of time and each others being over the talk, bringing the Daseins involved closer together in each others being. Casual talk can fall into a dangerous ambiguity however, where the matter is not clarified sufficiently to have a specific meaning and in further passing along strays further and further from its origi, while at the same time gaining authority and apparent obviousness through publicness and repetition..
4 Understanding
Understanding is fundamentally the ability to relate to and make sense of one's being-with-others-in-the-world and, as such it always involves such things as the ethical as well as the instrumental.. Understanding is not in general a theoretical thing, however, it is found most primordially in the know-how to use something ready-to-hand without the need to analyze it or even take cognizance of it in any self-conscious manner. The scientific, objectifying manner of looking at the world is the exceptional case, not the usual manner of experience or understanding and most often interferes with comprehension of sense, meaning, being-with and World itself.
4.1 Interpretation
Interpretation is the ability to elicit meaning from experiential phenomena. In opposition to Brentano and his students Freud and Husserl, consciousness is not always intentional, in fact it is the idea of an always intentional consciousness that resulted in the need to posit an unconscious, which has resulted in nothing but insoluble problems for psychology since, problems that could have been avoided by simply positing unintentional acts of consciousness to begin with. The notion of always intentional consciousness acts originates in the same abstracted scientific way of looking at things as the forgetting of the ready-to-handedness of primordial understanding.
Interpretation maintains itself with the whole of what is to be interpreted. This whole might be the World, or a given thing, system or another Dasein, but it is never decomposed or subjected to a reduction.
4.1.1 Intentional (Directed)
Intentional, directed interpretation occurs most often during periods devoted to new learning, or in the abstracted region of scientific endeavor. Scientists' and scholars' tendency to take this as the 'usual' state of things has led in general to a misunderstanding of the nature of everyday being-in-the-World. The reduction often involved in this abstracted view is a reduction that removes World itself from view, leading to a loss of understanding as to what being-in-the-World could even refer to. Explanation
Explanation, as opposed to interpretation, attempts to understand things without the context of the World. Depending on how the explanation is carried out further reductions may be implied. but de-Worlding is generally the initial step. All objective science deals with explanatory understanding rather than interpretive understanding. Explication
Explication attempts to explain objects by decomposing them through a reduction into simpler component parts that are more easily comprehended. The main issues with the reduction involve choosing an appropriate reductive method and appropriately utilizing the findings at this level of 'componentry' when applied at a different level of ontological priority.. Explanation from Origin
Explanation from origin attempts to explain objects by unearthing their origin and postulated developmental process that brought them into being what they are. In terms of scientific method this introduces the difficulties of the archive. A historiologist or philologist has to have an archival proof, since a predictive model of something one knows a priori to have happened is not a viable proof in any sense. Unfortunately in many seemingly obvious developmental paths no indisputable proof is available and as such it remains conjecture. When applied to time spans beyond those of human history in terms of such things as evolutionary history or evolutionary psychology, such indisputable proofs are by definition unavailable, rendering the status of such studies unscientific and conjectural by definition. Curiosity
Explanation, particularly the conjectural sort that explanation from origin tends towards, can quickly lead toward curiosity, a type of looking over that prefers to flit from topic to topic rather than grasping any topic in its matter. For curiosity a conjecture is as good as knowledge because curiosity is interested in satisfying its desire to be free of boredom, not any desire to know anything in itself. Conjecture is then spread around as 'knowledge' through the medium of idle talk and soon takes on the authority of common sense. In many cases this is harmless, although irritating to the expert in a given field. In other cases the conjecture is neither harmless nor innocent in its origin, and the same mechanism can be used to advantage by the less scrupulous.
4.1.2 Receptive
Receptive interpretation is the more common way in which things and events within-the-World become part of Dasein's understanding. This lack of directedness often comes from a lack of the appropriate language or the appropriate prejudgment. Empathetic
Empathetic understanding comes from one's capacity to be-with in a fundamental sense. Spatiality is only one form of being-in-the-World, and since being-with is founded on the latter, it is not limited to the occurrence of multiple Daseins in a particular locale. Being-with allows the sharing of Dasein's World. Insofar as Dasein has a World, it is always already a with-World. Rather than dialectically seeing the Other as initially the Same, and only later recognizing the otherness of the other, leading to conflict, Dasein has no difficulty seeing the Other as other, due to Dasein's ek-static ability to see itself as other. Since it itself is both other and Same, the actual Other is also viewed as the same. Conflict or lack of conflict has to do with the individual Dasein's flexibility in modifying its prejudgments and assumptions based on observed differences between the expected other and the actual Other.
If this happens successfully Dasein is able to share the World of the Other, while sharing its own World with the Other, in such a manner that there is temporarily at least no differentiation. When this happens often enough with a particular other Dasein learns more and more about alll the existentials of the Other, their attunements, understandings, etc. Particularly through a sharing of attunements each Dasein is disclosed to the other in a more penetrating fashion, in a very similar manner to which Dasein is disclosed to itself. This disclosedness is referred to as empathy and is an important mode of receptive interpretatiion, if one that is not universal. Undirected
I have had no difficulty getting across the notion of de-distancing using the phone example, in fact it is obvious enough that the understanding required was already present to the majority of people I have discussed it with. But those same people did not have the language or prejudgments necessary to have an intentiional act of consciousness towards the situation of interpretation. As a result the situation was interpreted, interpreted correctly, and became part of Dasein's understanding, without an intentional act occurring or even having become possible. Unaware
Some events are interpreted without our direct awareness, as our attention is directed elsewhere.
5 Mineness
"Mineness" refers to Dasein's awareness that the mind and all its elements and properties are its own. This is fundamental enough to Dasein's experience that a loss of "mineness" in any area of thought is a root of mental breakdown and psychosis. Mineness is at the root of all actual freedoms, and equiprimordially with an appropriate Being-in-the-World, attunement, understanding, and relation to language constitutes the a prioris required for mental health. Mental illness could be defined as the damage to Dasein's freedom caused by an inappropriate or dysfunctional root existential.
6 Capacities
6.1 Sensory Capacities
6.2 Actionary Capacities
7 Mortality
7.1 Freedom
7.1.1 Comportment towards Being of individual Beings Ability to see somethting 'as' something, i.e. name it.
8 Being-With
Although based on Being-in-the-World, as much as Dasein is always in-the-world, Being-with is part of Dasein, whether Dasein is factically with others or not. The totality of this structure is mitdasein, or being-with-others-in-the-world.
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